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Non Destructive Testing (NDT)


Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the examination of an object or material with technology that does not affect its future usefulness. NDT can be used without destroying or damaging a product or material because it allows inspection without interfering with a product’s final use. NDT provides an excellent balance between control and cost-effectiveness

A. Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

Ultrasonic testing uses high-frequency sound energy to conduct examinations and make measurements. Ultrasonic inspection can be used for flaw detection/evaluation, dimensional measurements, material characterization, and more.

B. Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)

Magnetic particle testing is accomplished by inducing a magnetic field in a ferromagnetic material and then dusting the surface with iron particles. The surface will produce magnetic poles and distort the magnetic field in such a way that the iron particles are attracted and concentrated making defects on the surface of the material visible.

C.Dye Penetrant Test

The dye penetrant testing can be used to locate discontinuities on material surfaces. A highly penetrating dye on the surface will enter discontinuities after a sufficient penetration time, and after removing the excess dye with a developing agent, the defects on the surface will be visible.

D. Eddy Current Testing

This testing covers the electromagnetic testing of ferromagnetic welds and adjoining materials using the manual eddy current phase analysis technique. This procedure is considered as a surface test method only or to test welds that may be coated with conductive materials not exceeding 2mm thick. This test can be used for detecting any cracks, measuring the thickness of material and coating also measuring conductivity for identification of a material, detecting heat damage, determining casedept, and monitoring heat treatment.

E. Hydro, Pneumatic & Leak Testing

Standard hydrostatic pressure testing procedures entail filling the test vessel with liquid, bleeding out air, and then pressurizing the piece. The NDE inspector thoroughly examines the vessel for leaks or permanent changes in shape. The hydro test is performed with liquid, usually water or oil, because it will only expand by a very small amount, should the test piece fail and not pose a danger to the technician. The hydrostatic pressure test can also be performed with pressurized air.